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Data Analytics - Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors Practitioner’s Forum

 12th Apr 2024

 Our Director Andrea Green recently attended the Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors Practitioner’s Forum at the Mound in Edinburgh.

Lloyds Banking Group hosted at their prestigious Edinburgh location and delivered a session on Data, covering both how their central Data Analytics team upskills the rest of the audit team and also presenting techniques used in audits – with some real-world examples to bring it to life.

The LBG Internal Audit team, more than 300 strong, is currently being upskilled through from Data Literate to Data Driven, Data Skilled and finally Data Experts. The data literacy journey is supported by Coaches and the team benefit from the use of Self-Serve tools also.

Tools discussed at the forum included SQL and Python as well as PowerBI, Google Cloud and data science concepts in the fields of machine learning and natural language processing.

One of the Senior Managers in Data Science went on to showcase examples of how the team are pioneering the audit of data in banking, including examples of how they have looked at the treatment of vulnerable customers and to review corporate governance.

The team have recently been shortlisted for the 2024 Internal Audit Advocate Award at the Audit & Risk awards.

LBG generally look for individuals with a passion for data science who can come on board and support delivery of their audit plan, provide insights, and drive innovation within Group Audit & Conduct Investigations.

LBG have an excellent apprenticeship scheme, both in wider Audit and the Data Science team and two current apprentices gave accounts of their time to date in these roles.  LBG have also recently been hiring in Scotland at Senior Data Science Analyst level.

If you are interested in hearing more please get in touch with Andrea here. 


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